Catholic BSA Scout Awards
Cub Scout Tiger or Wolf
The Light of Christ program helps the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. A Cub Scout earns this religious emblem by completing all steps in the Light of Christ Activity Book, to the satisfaction of the scout's parents, before the scout starts third grade. |
Boy Scout
The Pope Pius XII program is available to any Catholic Scouts BSA who has started 9th grade. The Pope Pius XII program deals with Church related ministries and vocations. |
The Bronze Pelican emblem is a diocesan recognition. The pelican recognizes "Christ-like" devotion to youth, much like a mother pelican who gives her life's blood to her young to nurture and protect them. |
The St. George emblem is a national recognition. The St. George represents a commitment to ideals like its' namesake as a defender of virtue spending his life in service to others, even at the risk of life itself. |
Scouts BSA Unit Awards
Pope Paul VI
The Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition may be earned each year by a Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, Venture Crew, Varsity Team or Explorer Post chartered by a Catholic organization. The purpose of this program is to promote Catholic Membership; recognize the Charter Organization; motivate and improve the effectiveness of the individual unit and its' adult leadership; and provide each youth with a top-quality program, which encompasses the religious, vocational and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.
The Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition may be earned each year by a Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, Venture Crew, Varsity Team or Explorer Post chartered by a Catholic organization. The purpose of this program is to promote Catholic Membership; recognize the Charter Organization; motivate and improve the effectiveness of the individual unit and its' adult leadership; and provide each youth with a top-quality program, which encompasses the religious, vocational and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.