Catholic Scouting Awards
Scouts BSA Awards
Cub Scout Tiger or Wolf
The Light of Christ program helps the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. A Cub Scout earns this religious emblem by completing all steps in the Light of Christ Activity Book, to the satisfaction of his parents, before he starts third grade. |
Scouts BSA
The Pope Pius XII program is available to any Catholic Boy Scout who has started 9th grade. The Pope Pius XII program deals with Church related ministries and vocations. |
The Bronze Pelican emblem is a diocesan recognition. The pelican recognizes "Christ-like" devotion to youth, much like a mother pelican who gives her life's blood to her young to nurture and protect them. |
The St. George emblem is a national recognition. The St. George represents a commitment to ideals like its' namesake as a defender of virtue spending his life in service to others, even at the risk of life itself. |
Girl Scout Recognitions
Brownie (or Junior)
The Family of God program is the official religious recognition program of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S.A. for children ages 7 to 9, who are enrolled in the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Camp Fire USA, and The Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas. The Family of God is an activity series developed to complement the catechetical efforts of the parish and families. |
Junior (or Cadette)
The I Live My Faith program is designed to help Girl Scouts and Camp Fire members, ages 9 to 11, appreciate more deeply the place that God and religion occupy in their daily life. |
Cadette (or Senior)
Mary, the First Disciple, is for Catholic young women ages 12 to 15. It involves these youth in an understanding of Mary as the model of openness and spirituality -- a woman of the Church. Through this program, young ladies gain the opportunity to develop new insights into their personalities, their friends, parents and the world around them. |
Senior or Ambassador
The Spirit Alive program is designed for Catholic youth in high school who are in the Senior level or higher of Girl Scouts or are Horizon Club members of Camp Fire. It assists them in discovering how the Holy Spirit moves in their lives, calling them to greater participation in the church's ministry. |
The St. Anne Medal is the highest national recognition for adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. The recognition was inaugurated in 1957 and redesigned in 1980. The purposes of the St. Anne recognition are to honor the outstanding services of adults who contribute to the spiritual development of Catholic young people in these organizations and to further Catholic adult leadership in youth ministry through these national youth-serving organizations. |
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton recognition was inaugurated in 1980 to recognize the meritorious contributions of adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. This medal affirms the work of those who help youth develop their spiritual lives within the context of these organizations. |
Boy Scout Unit Awards
Pope Paul VI
The Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition may be earned each year by a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Venture Crew, Varsity Team or Explorer Post chartered by a Catholic organization. The purpose of this program is to promote Catholic Membership; recognize the Charter Organization; motivate and improve the effectiveness of the individual unit and its' adult leadership; and provide each youth with a top-quality program, which encompasses the religious, vocational and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.
The Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition may be earned each year by a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Venture Crew, Varsity Team or Explorer Post chartered by a Catholic organization. The purpose of this program is to promote Catholic Membership; recognize the Charter Organization; motivate and improve the effectiveness of the individual unit and its' adult leadership; and provide each youth with a top-quality program, which encompasses the religious, vocational and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.